
Perancangan sistem website artikel
Perancangan sistem website artikel

perancangan sistem website artikel

PERANCANGAN SISTEM KEPEGAWAIAN (HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT) BERBASIS WEB. Unifield Modeling Language (UML) which used UML there are 3 (three) that Use Case diagrams, Class diagrams and Activity Diagrams and modeling Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Jurnal ini menerima artikel yang merupakan hasil riset eksperimen dan non riset. In this design the author uses three (3) modeling the context Diagram, i.e. Academic web-based information system is being developed using the programming language PHP, HTML and MySQL as the database. This system assists the school in providing accurate information so helpful and facilitate the user in accessing the information that is required. The goal of the academic information system design is to create a school of academic information systems at SMA Negeri 3 Lubuk Basung.

perancangan sistem website artikel perancangan sistem website artikel

The institution of technology and information, namely information systems academic school created to ease data processing such as data in the students, the teacher data, data subjects and other data. The result of the research shows that with the application of ergonomic chair design to the jenang packaging worker, there is improvement of work position on the jenang packaging worker and decrease the level of discomfort that happened to the neck, back, round, buttock and elbow of the jenang packaging worker.Development of science and technology (SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY) in modern times is currently evolving rapidly, so that we are required to learn and apply the technology, one of them in institutions of education. The purpose of this research is applying ergonomic chair to jenang packaging worker, so it is expected to improve work position of jenang packaging worker and reduce discomfort that can cause fatigue. This design is a prototype that will be measured and applied to the packaging hood of the worker. Then the data is processed to be applied to the design. Required data include anthropometric data of workers' packaging body dimensions and data obtained from existing research. Sistem informasi manajemen yang akan dibangun pada perusahaan ini meliputi komputerisasi seluruh proses bisnis, desain sistem pada setiap divisi, hingga perancangan database perusahaan. The method used in designing this chair is by descriptive analysis, with the seat dimension approach to anthropometry of worker's body. Therefore, it is necessary to design seats for ergonomic jenang packaging operators. Sitting position, judging from the aspect of ergonomics sitting position is less comfortable. In the process of this jenang packaging is done by workers who sit on a wooden chair with no foam pads and no back support. The process of making jenang through several stages, namely the process of material insertion, the process of mixing the material while cooked with the mix, the process of printing in a baking sheet and packaging process. Jenang is one of the special food from the Kudus City of Central Java Province. Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Muria Kudusĭesign, Discomfort, Ergonomics, Position of work Abstrak

Perancangan sistem website artikel